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Flotilla 12-2 Uniform Information

Our uniforms make us a part of Team Coast Guard and represent our heritage and our service. Wearing them properly helps us represent Team Coast Guard properly in the eye's of our shipmates and the public. Scroll down for pictures and information about proper uniforms.

              Auxiliary Uniform Procurement Guide

Coast Guard Uniform Regulations  //  Auxiliary Manual  //  Ribbon Checker

             District 5SR Store // Coast Guard Uniform Distribution Center

NOTE: When on a Coast Guard base or at a Coast Guard unit, Auxiliarists should follow the unit's uniform of the day unless otherwise specified such as meetings or formal functions.

Uniforms image 1


Operational Dress Uniform (Untucked)

ODU uniform
*Trousers are bloused*

Uniform of the Day for meetings


Tropical Blue Long

Tropical Blue Uniform image       

Uniform of the Day for meetings

Winter Dress Blue

Winter Dress Blue uniform image

Authorized 01 November to 31 March

Uniform of the Day for meetings during authorized months

Service Dress Blue

Service Dress uniform image

Uniform of the Day when military or civilian attire is equivalent

Officer Insignia

Flotilla Officers
Flotilla Officers insignia

Division Officers

Dvision Officer insignia

District Officers

District Officer Uniforms insignia

Windbreaker Shoulder Ran

For specific requirements regarding these uniforms and for Dinner Dress Blue, Service Dress White, and Dinner Dress White please refer to Coast Guard Uniform Regulations COMDTINST M1020.6G and the Auxiliary Manual for Auxiliary specific regulations.  

Purchasing uniforms can be done through the Coast Guard Uniform Distribution Center, a local Coast Guard Exchange and see the Where to Purchase Uniforms link below for local sources.We recommend also checking with your local flotilla first for any free uniform items they may have. 

          Auxiliary Uniform Procurement Guide

Coast Guard Uniform Regulations  //  Auxiliary Manual  //  Ribbon Checker

Coast Guard Uniform Distribution Center